Prayer: Cross So Costly, Cross Victorious
Lord Jesus
The way of the cross is so costly
we can barely face it
Shame, sorrow, suffering
Your life poured out
You the Passover lamb sacrificed.
Lord, we shudder at this way you have chosen
And yet we acknowledge our great need
We are so broken, so frail, so surrounded by sin
That we cannot stand
We cannot save ourselves
We are in desperate need
We need a savior
We need you
And in our time of greatest need
Your love came to us
Your love gave yourself
Your love emptied itself
Losing everything
And in this overwhelming defeat
You claimed victory
You were victorious
You accomplished salvation
And so we honor you
And so we give ourselves to you
And so we find our life in you
Lord Jesus Christ, savior of the world
We come to worship you
Amen and amen
Lorenzo Monaco -Crucifixion
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