Prayer for an Easter Potluck Feast

Jesus, the sky went dark when you died

And the world grew cold

What joy could the world have without you

True source of love

We felt the emptiness, the hopelessness, the despair

When you died the best part of us died as well

And then this morning you rose from the dead

With joy in your heart

Blood pumping through your veins

Eyes opened to the light once again

Death defeated

Satan conquered

Sins atoned

Forgiveness won

We are untied with you once more

We rejoice with you

overflowing with new life

Super bloom of all super blooms

Spectacular redemption

Torrent of hope

Jesus, you are alive and at work among us

We are filled with your presence

Our hearts break out into song

Rejoicing in your victory

And did you say you wanted something to eat?

You’ve come to the right place, Jesus

We welcome you to this feast

We eat it with you

Jesus Christ, living one, firstborn from the dead

We celebrate your resurrection

Amen and Amen

© Dale Gish 2019. All Rights Reserved.
This prayer was inspired by the Ignatian Exercises.

If you are interested in praying the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius with me starting in September, please contact me.


Failure as Spiritual Opportunity


Resurrection: An Ignatian Meditation