Dialogue & Communication
March 2-3, 2019
9:30am to 7:30pm Saturday
1:00pm to 7:30pm Sunday
Location: FirstSF -enter at 21 Octavia Street, SF, CA
Register: https://goo.gl/forms/6qCwGQ9KIIsEPFg73
More info contact: Debbie Gish 415-710-7055 debgishcana@gmail.com
Dialogue and communication? So basic, but so difficult! Join us for a weekend of refreshment, challenge, and nurture for your marriage. All are welcome to this “Taste of Cana” weekend. Fr. Hasso Beyer, a Chemin Neuf German priest who lives and works in Switzerland and also serves in England, will be joining us for this retreat. Join us and invite your married friends!
Donations gladly accepted to cover expenses (anticipated suggested amount: $150/couple).
Childcare provided as needed.
For more information about Cana visit the Cana USA website.