Thank you, Asian American Christians!

When I cough in public no one pays any attention. But I have Asian American friends who experience people glaring at them when they cough. While the COVID-19 outbreak began in China, here in the US, I suspect people should probably be more concerned about a white guy like me than an Asian American. This racial stigmatizing is so terribly wrong and worthy of its own post. But this is not my primary point today. 

Today I want to say thank you to Asian American Christians who are leading the way to respond to this virus. In my sphere of life, the people I experience responding well, helping us be safer are primarily Christian Asian Americans.

At my church, a Korean American doctor is leading our response to COVID-19, to help keep others safe, and no, I couldn’t go to worship this week with my cough, and that was the right call. At my work, the Christian Chinese American founder of our company has us all working from home to keep others safe. And I watched a wonderful event held last night led by Daniel Chin, and a panel of primarily Asian American Christians in Seattle showing us the way for us to respond as Christians to COVID-19. 

So I want to say, Thank You! I will not glare at you. I will smile and be grateful for the good gifts God has given all of us in you. I see you. You are leading all of us, caring for all of us, helping us all be Christ-like and love our neighbors.
If you want to watch this helpful presentation by Daniel Chin and church leaders on the front lines in Seattle, here is the link.


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